Seit Jahr


Bioveta, a.s., Czech Republic, 2022

BBH - Bioveta Biosafety Hall

DYNTEC spol. s r. o., Czech Republic, 2022

Expanding the Existing Specialized Center for Vaccine Development (SCVD) with a Section for the Preparation of Recombinant Proteins, Endolysins and Phages

Synthon, s.r.o., Česká republika, 2022

UNIT 2 - Spray Drying Oven Rooms

Cayman Pharma s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2022

Reconstruction of API Production

Contipro a.s., Dolní Dobrouč, Czech Republic, 2022

Adaptation of Existing Production Facilities for SH Forms Production

LLC “Generium-Next”, Russia, 2021

Reconstruction of the blood plasma fractionation plant, Object No. 5, LLC “Generium-Next”

Abbott, Russia, 2021

Cooling source, Hormones, Packing lines.

Synthon, s.r.o., Czech Republic, 2021

Laboratories for Synthon Blansko: Analytic Operation Bulding

ALS Czech Republic, s.r.o., 2021

A New Laboratory and Supplies of Fume Hoods

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